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Gondola Shelving Gondola Shelving
E System Sales, Inc. - 800 619 9566
Extensions Gondola Shelving Wall Shelving Candy Displays Pricing
Gondola Shelving

Candy Store Shelving

Wire Candy Rack for Gondola or End display

Candy Store Shelving

The Wire Candy Rack for Gondola or Wall mount shelving is used to display small boxes of candy, cookies and other snack items. Attached brackets allow for easy installation in the Gondola/Wall Uprights. It may be used on either a Base or Upper Shelf.

The unit is 24” tall, 8” deep with three shelves top to bottom 4", 5", and 6", respectively. It is available in 36” or 48” widths with 1” OC wire spacing.

Available in either 36" or 48" widths for $79.00   Call 800 619 9566

Gondola Wire Candy Rack

Gondola Wire Candy Rack

The Wire Candy Rack for Gondola/Wall shelving is used to display small boxes of packaged candy, cookies and snacks. Designed to be used on the Base Shelf of Gondola/Wall shelving.

The unit is 48” tall and 13 ½” deep. It is available in 36” or 48” widths with 1” OC wire spacing.

Available in either 36" or 48" widths for $160.00   Call 800 619 9566

Ten Level Wire Candy Rack

Ten Level Wire Candy Rack

The Ten Level Wire Candy Rack for Gondola ships as one piece providing quick installation into any Madix Gondola/Wall Upright. Each individual pocket has a 13 degree slant from the back to the front of the unit. Load capacity is 250 lbs.

This slant provides a natural gravity feed to bring merchandise in front of the customer. Every wire candy pocket has a 11/4" metal tag mold and 1" o.c. wire spacing.

Available in 48" widths.   Call 800 619 9566


Black Gondola Shelving

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Rack System

Shelf Fencing

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Shelving Component Description

Retail Store Countertop

Retail Store Countertop

Gondola Store End Cap

Gondola Shelving End Cap

Gondola Shelving Colors

Gondola Shelving Colors

4-Way Island Merchandiser

4-Way Island Merchandiser

Gondola Shelving

Gondola Shelving

Wall Store Shelving

Wall Store Shelving

Wire Display Hooks

Wire Display Hooks

Office Phones

Office Phones

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Candy Store Display

Candy Store Shelving